- Work Creative Fields Conceptual-Analytical
- Project Type Visual Studies
- Medium GIS, CAD, Photoshop, Illustrator
- Project Date Fall 2010
This composition is mapping the experience of my first site visit at the LBJ Wildflower Center. It was a preparation to one of our studio projects. The Wildflower Center was manicured; almost any direction one turns on the trail is a perfectly framed view. It was not “wild” as its name implied; it was rather picturesque. Under the broad Texas sky with spotty clouds, it reminded me of Monet’s “Field of Poppies” paintings. Part of our visit was a guided tour with one of the senior researcher at the Center, thus the visit was also extremely informative. The Wildflower Center is manicured with Control-Burn; it keeps the plant growths cycles in check and prevents wild fires in the Texas climate. The Wildflower Center is also an outdoor laboratory for the various ecological studies. Phytoremediation was one of the top studies on the researchers’ agendas.