The Most Ubiquitous Handbag
Every woman in New York seems to have this bag or one that looks like it. Everyday I see a handful of woman carrying this on the train. Black is the most popular color, but I have also seen it in bright red, blue, orange, and many more. The original is a Longchamp tote, cost about $150 +/-, but I think most of what I saw on the street are knockoffs. I don’t find this bag very appealing personally. But I can see why women like it. It is big enough to carry a few things, an extra pair of shoes, a jacket, a scarf, etc. It is just interesting how my eyes just lock right onto this bag; I am kind of looking forward to the day when I don’t “see” it any more. It is just a little game I play with myself everyday, to keep the train ride interesting, I count how many Longchamp tote I saw each day, on each ride.